Flash Coffee to default to oat milk for all milk-based drinks in Singapore
This change comes at no extra charge.
Singapore-headquartered Flash Coffee will serve OATSIDE oat milk by default in all milk-based drinks across its outlets in Singapore at no extra charge, effective immediately.
According to Flash Coffee, the decision follows positive customer response to promotions in the past year which encouraged Flash Coffee customers to pair OATSIDE oat milk with their coffee by temporarily removing the surcharge for the upgrade from dairy.
“Whilst oat milk beverage sales more than doubled during these promotional periods, sales data showed that customers continued to opt for oat milk even after the promotion had ended, indicating a growing interest amongst Singaporeans to embrace oat milk as a healthier and more sustainable alternative to dairy,” Flash Coffee said.
Together with OATSIDE, Flash Coffee have also launched #SipForChange, a movement which highlights the everyday challenges consumers face in making sustainable consumption choices and encourages them to stay the course.
Flash Coffee has launched several initiatives this year to support customers in their journey towards more mindful coffee consumption. To celebrate Earth Day, Flash Coffee has introduced a limited-time menu featuring oat milk-based drinks, available until 22 June 2023. In addition, customers will receive a 50-cent discount when they bring their own cups to purchase Flash Coffee drinks from 1 June 2023 onwards.