Bain & Co leads about AI in the QSR industry
Nina Kaspar and Zhu Hui separate the chatter from the benefits.
Fast food giants have been experimenting with AI from using it in drive-thrus to take orders to automating kitchen operations and many are jumping on the bandwagon by using a form of AI in their operations.
AI has been making so much noise that it has now become a top agenda for many executives.
To divide the noise from tangible benefits, Nina Kaspar, Partner and Zhu Hui, Associate Partner at Bain & Co will lead a speaking session titled “AI – what is the buzz about?” at the QSR Media Asia Tabsquare Conference & Awards 2024.
During their speaking session, Bain & Co will explore several key areas and identify how much of AI is chatter, what does AI and Generative AI strategy means, and how should QSR brands should think about AI.
Hear them speak on 23 April at Furama RiverFront in Singapore.
For more information about QSR Media Asia Tabsquare Conference & Awards 2024, click this link here.