KFC, Pizza Hut to offer affordable Menu Rahmah meals in Malaysia
The meal is at a fixed price of a little more than a dollar.
Fast food giants KFC and Pizza Hut have participated in the Menu Rahmah initiative by the Malaysian government to bring affordable meals to the public as a way to combat the cost of living increases.
The Menu Rahmah initiative focuses on serving lunch or dinner sets at a recommended price of RM5.
For KFC, their Menu Rahmah meal consists of a Kentucky Fried Chicken, a butterscotch bun and a bottle of mineral water. Meanwhile, Pizza Hut will offer a “Personal Pizza” and a bottle of mineral water. Both cost RM5 or $1.08.
Rolled out in January, the initiative is meant to give low-wage earners access to affordable food. Participation by those in the restaurant industry is voluntary however the government mentioned it will offer financial incentives.